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Onry Display 1
Onry Display 2
Onry Display 3
Onry Display 4
Onry Display 5
Onry Display 6
Onry Display 7
Onry Display 8
Onry Display 9

Posted on Jan 04, 2024

Sales Rank: 6716


Onry Display is a modern family based on Willgray font family. It comes in 20 weights, 10 uprights, and matching italics. The ExtraBold weight is free of charge.

This font family can be used as a headline or as a body copy typeface. The font features excellent legibility for print, as it does for reproduction on TV screens.

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Affordable Fonts: One-Time Payment, No Extra Fees Save on desktop, web, mobile apps, and ePub fonts with one-time payments at YouWorkForThem. If you're planning on using the product for any large volume, video games, commercial or broadcast/streaming use, you may need to purchase a license extension. anytime for questions or quotes—we’re here 24/7 ready to help.

YouWorkForThem fonts work on Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and Canva. Licensing for web, eBook, and mobile apps are available under Buying Options. Pay once, enjoy lifetime access—no subscriptions required.


Savchuk Mykola began his career as a graphic designer. Over time, he had a desire to create a font that would reflect his view of typography. ‘They say that all ingenious things are simple, although unique. In my future projects, I want to reflect simplicity on the one hand and uniqueness on the other, providi...

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