The Next Frontier Of Neusa: Neusa Next - 1

Established by Jonathan Hill in 2006, The Northern Block foundry releases innovative type designs that bring form, function, and a heaping dose of anti-establishment attitude to graphic design. Over the years, The Northern Block has become a prominent source of fonts themed around the advancing industries of our modern world, subjects that include computers, video gaming, electronics, and mobile technology.

Jonathan’s personal approach to type design seeks to maintain a balance between contemporary aesthetics and an intense individuality that stands on its own merit, leaving an impact wherever it is applied while offering the vital element of flexibility that graphic designers require in their work.

One of The Northern Block’s most recent releases is Neusa Next, designed by Maria V. Pigoulevskaya. Based upon the condensed design of Neusa, released in 2012, Neusa Next has expanded upon those original letterforms in both capability and physical stature. With inspiration that hails from elements of early space exploration and Swiss design, this updated variant conveys a straightforward message with absolute clarity and neutrality.

Neusa Next is gorgeous in scientific and mathematical themes, headlines, publishing, editorials, web content, and mobile applications. Its inherent versatility also makes it an excellent choice for any project centered around technology, including computer and educational texts, branding, posters, infographics, presentations, and product packaging.

Neusa Next is a powerful family of lettersets consisting of twenty weights with corresponding italics for each. It offers case sensitive forms, denominators, numerators, fractions, localized forms, ordinals, subscripts, and superscripts for additional flexibility. The multilingual support offered by Neusa Next is extensive, covering Basic Latin, Western European, Euro, Catalan, Baltic, Turkish, Central European, Romanian, Pan African Latin, Dutch, Basic Greek, and Basic Cyrillic in the Pro version for exceptional global accessibility.

The Northern Block currently offers 99 products on YouWorkForThem. Especially if your design work regularly involves the themes of technology, science, or math, you won’t want to miss the rest of their portfolio!