Nicholas Miner is a multidisciplinary artist and maker based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and the owner of Miner Design. A skilled craftsman, Nicholas’ passion for creativity began early in life during his days of playing with K’nex, those beloved construction toys that enable children to fuel their imaginations.

As he grew into his teen years, he started working as a graphic designer in a local screen-print sign shop, where he gained hands-on experience in printing. Nicholas would later pursue a degree, majoring in fine arts with a focus on graphic design at Louisiana State University.

When his college years drew to a close, he spent time working as a freelance designer to grow his portfolio and gain real-world experience working with clients. When Nicholas reached the point where he had plenty of project samples that included album artwork, posters, and personal illustrations, he crafted a design book and left copies at agencies he wanted to work for.

The bold move paid off. He found employment as a designer for an agency and got his first adult taste of life as a full-time graphic designer.

Eventually, Nicholas went on to establish his own design firm, Miner Design. Being knowledgeable in concept development, logo design, and identity branding, he’s known for his hand-drawn typography. Nicholas has worked a variety of design projects, including hand-painted murals.

As a typographer offering retail fonts, Nicholas is relatively new to YouWorkForThem and we’re excited to have him with us!

One of his most recent releases is Stout, a brawny sans serif that demands space. This type design is exceptionally bold and wide, speaking with confidence in every design. Stout is a strong and masculine display type that conveys every message with an intent that cannot be ignored.

Stout works particularly well in contemporary logos and branding applications. It is offered two variations that provide graphic designers with plenty of design versatility. Stout Regular provides smooth and solid letterforms, while Stout Rough is textured and carries a more vintage aesthetic.

The Stout family is well suited to design projects of all kinds, including displays and signage, logos, product packaging, merchandise, apparel, website designs and banners, marketing materials, posters, album artwork, book covers, titling, and even social media imagery.

Stout includes a complete all-caps character set, numbers, punctuation, and additional symbols. It extends multilingual support to Basic Latin, Western European, and Pan African Latin languages for design projects intended for an international audience.

Nicholas Miner currently offers just two products through YouWorkForThem but we’re really looking forward to seeing more of his work as time goes on. Visit his portfolio and if you love working with handcrafted type designs that carry a rich personality, bookmark it so you can check back for new additions in the future!