How to use WebFonts

Unlike desktop fonts, which are designed for use in documents and in graphic design, WebFonts are their own unique animal, specially tuned to be recognized and displayed by a web browser. Those who have tried to adapt desktop fonts for website use know that it’s really only possible to get clear, precise behavior by converting the font to […]

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Question Marks & Errors When Installing Fonts

If you are seeing question marks or strange symbols when you open the font to install it, this means you are trying to install the WebFonts we have provided, which are for Web/HTML use only (stated on buying options tab). WebFonts cannot be used in desktop environments and or applications, as well they will not work […]

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Adjusting WebFont Rendering

While the popularity of WebFonts has skyrocketed in the past few years, execution is still a bit scattered, to say the least. The WebFont kits that we provide at YouWorkForThem are generated “on the fly” from the latest versions of the fonts we provide, in order to give the best possible overall result. We provide […]

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