
"Disclaimer: An unhealthy amount of energy drinks were consumed while creating this product." So states Set Sail Studios regarding this fabulous, colorful explosion that also spells words: New Retro. Set Sail's Sam Parrett is the one sacrificing his health so we can take a retro trip to the high...
According to designer Ramandhani Nugraha, Boldie Slab is what might happen if "...the old west and the 70s had a lovechild." That's correct. What is it about the 70s and the old west that makes this blend so appealing? Is it because our understanding of the "old west" is so heavily influenced by...
Every cultural allusion hides a small eternity, and if a work of art pointedly alludes to more than one cultural thread, well...look out. You might have thought a little background on the tune Surfin' Bird and a brief nod toward spaghetti westerns was a good starting point for describing The Sur...
Here you are again, trying to select a birthday gift for those two difficult girls, those twin cousins of yours that make you uneasy for some reason—especially when you visit that remote hotel they live in, and see them standing at the end of a hallway holding hands asking you to come play with ...
If you grew up reading comic books (or still read them as an adult) you’ve likely seen the work of Richard Starkings and John Roshell, whose work has greatly impacted the comic industry for nearly 30 years — whether you’re aware of it or not. Founding Comicraft studio back in the 1990s, the pair...
Emerging on the scene just this year in Bogor, Indonesia, Ludere Studios is a graphic design studio and type foundry established by illustrator Muthia Fajrijannah and type designer Andika Setiawan. Specializing in designs focused on playful themes, Ludere Studios composes children's book illustr...
Juan Pablo de Gregorio is a typographer and graphic designer based in Chile. He established Letritas, a foundry whose name translates to “Little Letters,” to provide graphic designers with type designs built with innovation and high functionality in mind. Juan Pablo began designing type back in ...