
The Renaissance of Handwritten Fonts In the digital age, sterile typefaces often rule. Yet, the handwritten font emerges as a nostalgic hero. Like pages from a personal diary, these fonts carry unique charm. They breathe life into every design. Especially, they are loved by graphic designers. Ne...
It’s bold, chunky, and ready to make a big impression – Primed is an authentic, hand-drawn brush font made with real markers. Perfect for display text, logos, handwritten quotes, product packaging, Instagram posts, branding, social media, educational materials, and more! Whether it's web design,...
This offer is beyond belief. Ten handwritten fonts for the price of one from the world renown Set Sail Studios: the Lovingly Handcrafted Font Bundle! These fonts are designed to mix and match, and will give the ultimate "personal touch" to your product designs, logos, social media posts, handwri...
While Sam Parrett was working as a graphic designer in the music industry, he got his first taste of type design when he decided to craft a font from a rejected hand-drawn logo. At first, it was just a fun experiment to see what he could create, but he quickly found himself becoming fascinated w...
Based in the UK, Sam Parrett is the designer and typographer behind Set Sail Studios, a type foundry and online store that specializes in handcrafted lettering that conveys every message with passion and enthusiasm. Sam told us that he had always had an interest in graphic design, even though he...
Based in Hamburg, Philip Lammert is a graphic designer and typographer who studied for his master’s degree under the supervision of acclaimed typographer and calligrapher Jovica Veljovic. Philip’s passion for type design grew from his desire to understand the science behind the craft — discoveri...
Tomo Fonts is a small independent type foundry and studio based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Designing bespoke typefaces for private clientele and commercial fonts for an international design marketplace, Tomo Fonts specializes in handcrafted and innovative type designs that you won’t find anywhe...