
LatinoType has carved out a notable name for itself in the type design industry. Run by Miguel Hernández, Luciano Vergara, and Daniel Hernández, the Chilean type foundry follows a mantra first coined by Pablo Picasso: "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." And work, they do. Over ...
Products made for graphic designers – like templates, vector art, and type designs – can be a great source of passive income for typographers and graphic designers. By coming up with a brilliant idea or design, crafting it to perfection, and making it available for purchase, you're not only doin...
David Kerkhoff didn't have childhood dreams of becoming a professional typographer. The thought had never entered his mind, but even so, a career in typography is exactly where he ended up one day. Life is kind of funny like that sometimes. Careers can evolve from the strangest and most unexpect...
Adam Ladd is a Cincinnati-based designer with a wealth of experience in the field of professional design, including graphic design, art direction, logo design, branding, print design, and type design. His work tends to largely favor vintage aesthetics, and over the years he's seen a great deal o...
In the modest village of Tanjung Morawa in North Sumatra, Indonesia, a pair of brothers have been hard at work in pursuit of a career in graphic design and typography. Youth often has a way of inspiring one to try anything -- to teach oneself how to do anything -- and that's exactly how Firman S...