Nuansa Uses Nature To Nurture Inspiration, Anytime and Anywhere - 1Nuansa Uses Nature To Nurture Inspiration, Anytime and Anywhere - 2

There’s something magical that happens whenever we immerse ourselves in the natural world. Whether its the fresh air, the vibrant bursts of color, or simply being surrounded by life on earth, nature is a never-ending source of inspiration and creativity.

Human moods and emotions are directly influenced by color palettes that emerge organically from the landscape. The basis of interior design, for instance, draws heavily upon the ambience of a particular setting to establish a room’s desired tone. To create a cool and breezy atmosphere, a designer might choose to pull their inspiration from an Atlantic beach on a midsummer day. Using that environment’s influence, shades of sandy beige, whitewashed driftwood, vivid blues and sea greens blend together to lead the visitor toward a more laid-back, carefree frame of mind.

The elements of branding and product packaging design work in a very similar way. The ultimate goal of every project is to create a visual that sends a strong message through its overall tone, culminating in an appealing display that will not only attract consumers, but draw them in. As designers and artists know firsthand, cultivating inspiration for such meaningful design work can be an incredibly difficult task at times.

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Unfortunately, most designers are forced to work at desks; if they’re lucky, they might have an office with a window. There’s no telling what’s on the outside of that window, but it’s safe to assume that the view rarely changes. How do you seek fresh inspiration when you’re trapped within the same four walls every day?

Whether your muse is on vacation or has permanently left the building, or if you’re someone who’s always on the lookout for new ways to spark your own creativity, you owe it to yourself to check out Nuansa. Created by Julien Derreveaux and developed by Genesio, Nuansa puts inspiring elements from the natural world directly into the palm of your hand.

This exciting app is packed with striking imagery that helps designers to select the exact mood they’re trying to convey. Every photograph provides a hand-picked, beautifully harmonized palette of colors that can be tweaked effortlessly to create the perfect visual atmosphere in potential design projects.

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As if that weren’t awesome enough, Nuansa actually allows designers to incorporate fonts, including those available through YouWorkForThem, to build the beginnings of a solid foundation for brand or product identities. The optional addition of textures or patterns completes the package, solidifying what was once an abstract idea into a tangible design reference.

After a designer’s graphic revelation is complete, the resulting visual is easily exported in PDF format, complete with links to download the fonts, textures, or patterns that were used in the original idea.

Pure. Genius.

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Nuansa is a fun and elegant way to explore design, play with color’s influence on mood, and inspire fresh ideas. This app requires iOS 8.0 or later, and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Download Nuansa today and let nature be your guide, no matter where you are!