
Elastic's collaboration with PBS on their latest docu-series, "A Brief History of the Future", demonstrates the power of font licensing in enhancing the viewing experience. The six-part documentary series premiered on April 5th and invites viewers to join host Ari Wallach on a journey around the...
Crime Boss: Rockay City from 505 Games will be unleashed on March 28, 2023, and it looks like it's going to be a wild ride. Crime Boss is an insanely realistic organized crime game full of first-person action and turf wars, and it's playable alone or with friends. Set in the '90s, this astonishi...
Melitta is synonymous with making great coffee, as no single company is so deeply ingrained with coffee's story and how to make the world's finest black gold. Melitta is named after Melitta Brentz who invented the paper coffee filter system in 1908. Annoyed with grounds in her cup, Melitta devel...
In partnership with YouWorkForThem, Facebook Watch licensed the font Northwell from Set Sail Studios for the title of their fantastic drama Sorry For Your Loss. The series carries a 93% positive rating from Rotten Tomatoes, and received rave reviews from periodicals like The Atlantic and The Dai...
In their own words, BP's ambition is to be a net-zero company by 2050 or sooner. This is major. For many, the initials BP are the very definition of the oil and gas industry, yet a seismic shift from oil to green energy is being spearheaded by BP itself. Wind energy, carbon capture, electric veh...