
We're off to a great start when a new font includes instructions called, "How to Get the Best Result With 'Suffer.'" Things get even better when the designer asks and answers, "Do you hear that sound of Dick Dale's guitar? Here it is!" Hence VVDS Suffer, the great new rock and roll font from Vin...
Every cultural allusion hides a small eternity, and if a work of art pointedly alludes to more than one cultural thread, well...look out. You might have thought a little background on the tune Surfin' Bird and a brief nod toward spaghetti westerns was a good starting point for describing The Sur...
These days, what’s old is brand new and highly sought after for its nostalgic qualities. Contemporary design tends to favor the classic styling found in vintage design elements, and that’s the specialty of Vintage Voyage Design. Founded by Pavel Korzhenko and based in Russia, Vintage Voyage Desi...